What happens at a Pet Shoot?
All you need to know about pet shoots with Artis…
As with all our shoots the key to getting the best results is in the planning beforehand. This can be in person at our studio or video a video link or phone call.
We will want to find out things about your pet like:-
Are they more food or toy oriented?
Do they have sit, stay commands? (don’t worry if they don’t).
Are there any particular things they are scared of?
Make your shoot unique, fun and personal.
We adapt all shoots to you and your pet. We can discuss whether a studio or a location shoot would be more suitable. Although pet shoots are typically designed around 1-2 animals, we can upgrade your shoot to a family session and incorporate the rest of the family.
We’ll give you advice on what to wear, what to bring and generally coach you through the process. Hannah is our experienced portrait photographer and has worked with all kinds of pets over the years. You can expect a fun yet energetic shoot, expect bedlam, but honestly - enjoy the process and we’ll take care of the rest.
About 2 weeks after your photo session you will get to come back to the studio to view your photos. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for!
We’ll display your final, perfected images on our big screen and after you’ve had some time to digest them, we’ll work through the selection and help you with deciding how you display your photos.
This can feel daunting, but our process is simple, easy and comfortable. Above all else we do not hard sell, we are there to help you get the best out of your images - but yes you are going to love them!
Our full pet shoot guide:
As strange as it sounds, it’s best to book your shoot around your pets schedule, you don’t want your dog looking longingly at the door because they’re due a walk. or your cat clawing for their dinner.
If you’re joining in on your pets shoot, Hannah will discuss outfits in more detail at your shoot consultation but as a general rule:
• Make sure your outfits blend well with your pets colouring (they can’t change their coat). If you have a black dog, it’s not a good idea to wear all white, not only is it a lighting nightmare, but imagine all the hair on your outfit!
• Pick outfits you like, feel comfortable and confident in.
• Remember you will be sitting, standing, leaning and possibly picking up your pet so make sure you can move comfortably in it and you’re ok if it gets slightly mucky.
If your pet needs regular grooming make sure you book a hair cut for a few weeks before the shoot, depending at what length you prefer their coat.
We always suggest you bring your pets favourite toys or treats for the shoot. The key is to bring them but make sure they are hidden from sight (or smell). That way we can bring them out at the right point in the shoot.
Animals are hugely instinctive and if you are worried or stressed, they will pick up on these emotions and behave accordingly. We work with different pets all the time and always allow plenty of time in case they take a while to get used to everything. Relax and enjoy the process!
Location, location, location
If you haven’t decided already think about where you would like to have your session. We could meet at your home, the woods or at the studio. We also scout locations constantly, so may have some suggestions for you to consider.
This shoot will be a full-on fun day out. and we want you to be to be as relaxed as possible. Embrace the bedlam, the spontaneity and the unplanned moments to create most natural, beautiful images of your pet and family!
Time flies
Please allow 90 minutes for a single session and three hours for a half day shoot. This will enable us to get lots of variety and allow for travel, outfit changes etc if needed. It also allows time for breaks and to not feel rushed.
Fast friends
With unpredictable subjects, we always work quickly, ready to capture those spontaneous, natural images. We are constantly thinking up new ideas to keep your pet and family engaged.
Treats for the sweet
Bring treats (but don’t show your pet). We want to try to do as much of the shoot without treats and will let you know when it’s time to bring out ‘the big guns’.
Outdoor shoots are great for offering lots of variety and natural settings for your portraits. BUT, this is England and if Mother Nature threatens to rain on our parade, don’t worry, there are always options:
Plan A: Alternate indoor venues, e.g. our studio, your home or a local hotel.
Plan B: When we speak the day before, if it’s an obviously and unanimously
dire weather forecast we’ll simply reschedule..
Plan C: Adventurous? We have the skills and protective gear. Sometimes braving it makes for some fun puddle shots or we hide under some trees whilst there is a passing shower.